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Important Owner Updates

HomeImportant Owner Updates

CDC guidelines, what’s open, and Booking Blocks

New Blocks

In our never ending efforts to keep safety at the forefront of our business, at this time, we are implementing a 24 hour block on either side of reservations to prevent back to back bookings.

This is the current CDC guideline and we want to be able to give the best quality service to both you and our guests, while maintaining the safety of our staff.

With the high volume of guests and bookings this block is going to allow us to ensure we are thoroughly sanitizing your property while allowing the appropriate “down time” to allow any potential Covid particles to settle before entering.

Can you override this block?

The short answer is, yes. When you try to book your dates, it will show you an error code stating there is a back to back. You can continue with the booking and push it through. We are requesting that you consider waiting the suggested 24 hours to allow our housekeeping team the safety of that 24 hr buffer and to ensure the quality of sanitizing prior to your arrival.

May 14: Memorial Day or Bust!

As of right now, we are reopening for guests starting on May 20th. We do not have dispensation from the Governors office to do so, however after many city meetings, they are pushing for the 20th. If they do not receive permission by Memorial Day, the City is considering reopening by Memorial Day against the governors orders.

Only time will tell exactly what will happen, but our city has put in place many safety precautions for all businesses to follow and we have brought back our sales team to help satisfy the amount of callers we are receiving for future reservations.

When reopening there is a code of conduct the city will expect of all guests and we will be sure to advise your guests accordingly and get their acknowledgement of these conditions of renting during this time. Below are items the city is requesting:

1. We cannot enter the property for any reason once the guest has checked in – this means we will troubleshoot all issues via email, text, and phone.

2. There must be a 24hr vacancy period between people entering. Meaning 24hrs after guest departs before cleaning, and 24hrs after cleaning before arrivals. So you will be Covid-Distancing blocks after each reservation.

3. Encouraging guests to bring their own food and paper products. Grocery stores are still limited here and they would like them to bring their own goods.

4. Face masks are still highly recommended in public and are not allowed to congregate in public

5. Must stay in your “quarantine circle” – This means, no family reunions or vacationing with people that have not been or will not remain in your isolated circle.

As always, we will update you with any changes and you will starting seeing our videos weekly. See you next Thursday!

May 14: New Big Bear Lodging Best Practices


April 20: New Target Date For Re-Opening

Hello Everyone!

After meeting with the city we have been given a target date of May 8th. As of right now, potential guests are able to making bookings online starting May 8th. Things could always change, so of course we will keep you updated. Keep in mind, at some point The City of Big Bear Lake and San Bernardino County could deviate and have separate rules. So we will be keeping an eye on this.

COVID-19 Testing in Big Bear: We have only had one additional positive test at this point. So Big Bear has done a great job of keeping the community safe. As we begin to open up there will be training, accountability, and requirements for safety which we will be monitoring closely.

Please let us know if you have any questions or if you need anything by reaching out to

April 20: What is Coming Up Next for Big Bear

We have been approved by the government to start slowly reopening. This does not mean reservations are allowed yet, however we are required to bring back a large portion of our staff and shortly will be back to 100%.

This does mean that we are starting to go back to normal policies such as annual deep cleans. You are welcome to opt out if you will be handling this yourself. Just be sure to reach out to and let us know when this is expected to be done and who will be completing this. If you do not send an opt out notice, we will put you on the schedule if you have not already requested work. These deep cleans are being done at the special rate of .10 cents a square foot and we will continue at this rate for as long we are not fully operational.

We are expected to be able to open up reservations starting May 15th, however the City Council is having a meeting on April 28th at which time we will have more answers and a potential timeline.

This also means we are not able to clean after your stays! Just be sure you are using the appropriate booking type. If you want us to clean after you, please use OWNER BLOCK, if you still plan on cleaning it yourself, please use OWNER SELF CLEAN. If you already have an owner self clean reservation in the system, and would like to change that, then you can email us and we can fix that for you.

Important reminder: No unnecessary travel is allowed through Big Bear. As the owner of the home you are welcome to come and go as you please, however, you are not allowed to lend or rent your home to anyone else. This includes family and friends at this time. The city and local community are taking this very seriously. To avoid any citations or fines, please do not allow any guests until further notice is provided.

April 8: Consider Waiting to Come Up

With all of this snow, getting into your driveway is going to be difficult due to lack of snow plows. BBV does not have any snow removal equipment, so we are unable to clear any driveways. The city has also returned most of their equipment, so they will be doing the high traffic areas first, and residential streets last. That means large berms in front of your driveway. So be prepared with 4X4 and be ready to do some shoveling. The snow is expected to stop on Friday, so it should be melting on Saturday and make traveling much easier

As a quick reminder: there is NO SNOW PLAY allowed. The local law enforcement are requesting for locals to report snow play and citations of up to $1000 are being levied for being in public without a mask.

**I think quarantine is getting to my hair! 😉

April 6: Great Rates to Get Your Home Prepped and Ready For Future Rentals

Cost of services: (email to put in your order)

Deep Clean: 10 cents per square foot (normally 20 cents)

Carpet Cleaning: $100 per floor. $10 additional for carpeted stairs

Yard Cleanup: This includes the cutting/removal of grasses, weeds, and pine needles, and the removal. Based on the sq footage of your lot.

2500 sq ft: $75 plus $50 for disposal
5000 sq ft: $100 plus $50 for disposal
7500 sq ft: $125 plus $50 for disposal
10,000 sq ft: $150 plus $50 for disposal
Over 10,000 sq ft/Special Requests: Reach out to us for custom pricing

*The disposal fee is charged by the facilities where we must take the debris.

Owner Blocks: Make sure you are marking your stay as an owner self clean. We are not cleaning after stays and we need to keep your home statuses marked correctly in the system. We are also still responsible for code enforcement. As we are mandated to not allow any rentals, if you are in your home with no block and your home is reported by a neighbor, we are responsible. Having your reservation on file helps us tremendously.

No Snow Play:​ ​Although there is snow, we are still under the stay at home order. The local law enforcement is encouraging anyone witnesses snow play at this time to report them. So please do not send friends or family up to play in the snow.

April 3: We’re Ready To Get Back To Work

You are all going to be receiving a personal call from someone on our team to go over how we can be of assistance to you. We are actively pursing avenues that will benefit your home during this closure period and will help get our staff back to work. This means a great rates for you to get this work completed.

Of course everyone’s safety is paramount. We are adhering to the “slow the virus” rules. This includes not allowing our staff to enter or do work on homes that are occupied. So make sure that if you request work you are not residing in the home. This also means that there is a 72 hr waiting period before entering the home to work or clean once it has been visited or inhabited by you or your family.

If you already know what you would like to get accomplished, please let us know by sending an e-mail to and we can contact you right away. I look forward to talking with you guys. I hope you all are in good health and good spirits. Happy Friday!

March 31: Rules and Regulations – What we CAN do

Focusing on the positive, we really wanted to look at what we CAN do at this time for our owners. While we are still required to cease all rentals, that doesn’t mean we can’t use this time to get your home prepped for business again.

We would love to start scheduling any deferred maintenance you may have, yard clean up after snow melt, deep cleans, etc. You can reach out to to place and order and we will reach out and coordinate work. We are still compliant as our staff will be working in a solitary environment and observing social distancing

We know there are so many changes happening, day by day, and we are here to keep you in the loop so that you have one less thing to worry about.

Below is the link to our owner landing page where you can keep up on any notifications and see these videos. I am also including the city newsletter link. You can subscribe and they will give daily updates on the status of Big Bear.

March 26: We Can All Do Our Part

As of now, we have been in each home, setting the thermostats to 50, securing your house, and prepping spas for a dormant month. The exception being those that requested otherwise.

Requirement by the City/County: As there have been confirmed cases in Big Bear of the Corona Virus, this includes our mayor, there have been laws passed that require our attention and cooperation. All vacations rentals in Big Bear are mandated to close down and cease operations. This means NO guests of any kind. So we are requesting that your homes be owner occupied only, and you are blocking out the time you are in your home through the owner portal using the Owner Self Clean option as we will not be dispatching housekeeping at this time.

Important to Remember: BBV is still responsible for code enforcement. We have already received several code enforcement complaints from neighbors because there are people in vacation rentals. We are required to remove any guests for homes and being asked to do so by city officials. By blocking the time on your portal we can appropriately respond to these complaints and confidently show the city/county that it is owner occupied.

This virus is a predominantly respiratory infection, and the majority of our population in Big Bear is elderly, combined with the fact that we live at a high elevation, these symptoms can be exacerbated. It is important to the health of our community that we isolate and remove factors that could endanger others. So please keep that in mind when using your home.

Your homes are bookable beyond May 1st and we are developing great marketing strategies to increase summer and fall bookings to help offset this time. We also have a few staff members on standby should you need something done for your home. Keep in mind we are limited, but are willing to help. Feel free to send any requests to and NOT an individual. We are responding as quickly as we can. As always, we appreciate your partnership with us. We will weather this store together.

Health and Safety to you and yours!

March 23: Important Home Preparation Steps You Need to Be Aware Of

Current Reservations: For all reservations that are set to arrive between Monday and April 20th, we will be either moving these to a future date or canceling. We are not accepting any new reservations that are requesting to stay between now and April 20th.

Future Reservations: We have a strong marketing campaign being developed to book future business and reservations. We are confident that when this stay-in-place order lifts, people will be needing a drive market to escape the restlessness.

Securing Your Home: We are systematically going through each home to secure the property and prepare it for going “dormant”. We are securing all windows and doors, turning off the heaters, and putting all spas into economy mode and adding chlorine tabs to the floats. If you do not have a float, one will be purchased and placed for you.

IMPORTANT: If you use an outside spa vendor, you must contact them directly to have then prepare your spa during this time.

Our average temperatures here in Big Bear during April are highs of 58 and lows of 28. So there is minimal risk for freezing. If you have any special requests, please reach out to REMEMBER: Do not send any requests to one individual person. Please send them to the owners services email provided to ensure that a member of our team sees your request and can respond in a timely manner.

Housekeeping/Using Your Home: After this weekend, all homes will be cleaned and secured. After that, there will be no cleaning services available. So remember, that if you use your home, when you return, it will be exactly as you left it. Also, we will not be servicing any guests you may have booked, and we highly encourage you to cancel any reservations you have made for others in your home. It is our civic duty to protect you, your home, your guests, our staff, and our community. We ask that you join us and our fellow vacation rental management agencies and do not have guests in your home.

Our offices will be completely closed, so please reach out to if you are in need of any emergency assistance. We will only be available for issues that are detrimental to the health of your home.

We will be back and open before you know it! We thank you for sticking with us during this time period. We know that we will get through this together and we value your partnership. Stay healthy, and we will be in touch fur any major changes to the current policies.